Quinta do Cavalo Kiron

Kiron Method®

Equines Assisted Interventions

The Kiron Method® is a method based in Equines Assisted Interventions. It is a unique approach that combines the qualities and the horse’s natural abilities with the skills and experience of the therapist, coach or facilitator formed with this methodology.

Intervention areas:
· Psychotherapy assisted by horses
· Coaching assisted by horses
· Equine assisted learning
· Human development assisted by horses

Schedule your session here!

First Pillar: Experiential Learning


Second Pillar: Equine Ethology


Third Pillar: Horse-Mirror and Horse-Mediator



The horse is a living being with high presence in constant communication with their peers doing it with humans the same way. In therapeutic assisted by horse relationship, horse creates an open space for communication with the patient, externally (body) and internal (emotional), making it easier to overcome conflicts and taken awareness of the ways of being and be patient . Before the horses are more present, more aware of our attitudes and our actions, which clarifies our nonverbal communication, making this highly powerful method in mind-body terms. It is proved that communication between humans has the influence of three components: the word (7%), the tone of voice (38%) and body language (55%). With the help of therapists/human facilitators, these benefits transpose easily to our life, providing better interpersonal relations and facilitating the implementation of our personal and professional projects. Because of its high sensitivity, the horses are powerful mirrors of our behaviors are major developers of our problems and also skills as they read with surprising accuracy the nonverbal behaviors of humans. In addition, the horses live in a very similar social construction with ours, which offers when we interact with them a wealth of information about our family life, work and our interpersonal relationships. How do not lie, they are a reliable source of practical information integrated into a therapeutic process or personal development allow powerful transformations. The implicit communication established between human and equine enables the connection with our true intent and posture and thus forces us to improve our incongruent behaviors.

Coaching demonstration assisted by Equines – Program Portugal no Coração – RTP1 – 2013

Coaching with Horses – Equitação Magazine – Part 1

On minute 17th psychotherapy session assisted by horses with a drug addict in treatment

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Coaching with Horses – Equitação Magazine – Parte 2